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  • health, butts & guts

    Kelly Hyde & Melody Bahu Podcast


    To Health, Butts & Guts

    Mauris scelerisque justo sapien, non pretium risus tincidunt id. Integer varius suscipit nisl, in solli citudin est facilisis eget. In odio elit, finibus eu neque in, co ndimentum scele risque sem. Proin tempus tempor velit sit amet faucibus. Vestibulum rhoncus eros libero, eu consectetur massa ali quam vel. Ut bibendum sem ac orci mol estie facilisis. Maecenas consectetur ipsum quis pulvinar feugiat. Cras cursus fermentum est, id elementum mi accumsan viverra. Suspendisse potenti. Sed in lorem sed dolor laoreet sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris scelerisque justo sapien, non pretium risus tincidunt id. Integer varius suscipit nisl, in sollicitudin est facilisis eget. In odio elit, finibus eu neque in, condimentum sceleri sque sem. Proin tempus tempor velit sit amet faucibus.


    Kel and Mel

    How do you party on the weekend and cleanse/detox during the week? Kel and Mel discuss and even try out shocking trends, fads and remedies to help viewers learn some complicated, complex and technical things in an easy and sometimes humors way. Make sure to subscribe, share and tune in weekly to their latest adventure.


    The following is designed to entertain and inform- not provide medical advice. You should consult your doctor when it comes to your personal health, or before you start any treatment.

    Episode: 12

    Clean Beauty with Kel


    On this episode of Health Butts and Guts, Kel shares her favorite clean beauty hacks, tips, and tricks... Mel might be a little skeptical on these holistic hacks but what do you say? Would you try them out?

    Don't forget to buy your HBG Enema kits and CorVital coffee (HBG20 for 20% off)

    Episode: 11

    Just Cry It All Out


    Do you ever feel overwhelmingly stressed? Is life draining the crap out of you? Do you ever just want to scream and cry? Well, we do! Mel has been crying a lot lately and explains to Kel exactly why crying is healthy and can help with your stress. Tune in to hear about how we have different tears and why they are released.

    Don't forget to buy your HBG Enema kits and CorVital coffee (HBG20 for 20% off)

    The following is designed to entertain and inform. You should consult your doctor when it comes to your personal health, or before you start any treatment.

    Episode: 10

    Healthy A$$holes Live Forever


    When Mel is away, Kel for sure will play! This episode is not for the faint of heart. Kel and Kirill Bichutsky shoot the shit over bathroom talk, while their surprise guest does not skip a beat on these funny and raunchy topics. Don't say we didn't warn you... this episode is NOT SAFE FOR WORK or CHILDREN. Enjoy the show!

    Don't forget to buy your HBG Enema kits and CorVital coffee (HBG20 for 20% off)

    The following is designed to entertain and inform. You should consult your doctor when it comes to your personal health, or before you start any treatment.

    Episode: 09

    Keepin it Real

    ​​​​​​​Kel dumps her trashy hangover consequences that led her to her 5 day cleanse. Sometimes we just need to face the fact that we aren't perfect and when we act like degenerates, we need to clean up our acts. Make sure to not check out the video without filters or makeup.

    Don't forget to buy your HBG enema kits and CorVital coffee (HBG20 for 20% off ).

    The following is designed to entertain and inform. You should consult your doctor when it comes to your personal health, or before you start any treatment.

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